Non-contract Verb;
Principal Part:
- to throw over or beyond a mark, to overshoot
- to force, over
- to run beyond, overrun
- to outstrip or pass
- to overshoot, outdo, surpass, prevail over, to outdo, in
- to go beyond, exceed, to exceed
- to exceed all bounds, to be in excess, exceeding, excessive, an over-high estate, such part, as is extraordinary
- to go on further and further, bidding more and more
- to pass over, cross, to double, to cross over
- to run over, overflow
- to be at its height or its utmost heat
- to outdo, overcome, conquer, to be co
The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.
Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.
- πολλῶν δὲ ὁ Φιλάδελφοσ βασιλέων πλούτῳ διέφερε καὶ περὶ πάντα ἐσπουδάκει τὰ κατασκευάσματα φιλοτίμωσ, ὥστε καὶ πλοίων πλήθει πάντασ ὑπερέβαλλεν. (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 5, book 5, chapter 36 1:3)
- οὗτοσ ὁ πόλεμοσ τοῖσ πάθεσι ποικίλοσ γενόμενοσ καὶ ταῖσ τύχαισ πολυτροπώτατοσ ὅσον Σύλλᾳ προσέθηκε δόξησ καὶ δυνάμεωσ, τοσοῦτον ἀφεῖλε Μαρίου, βραδὺσ γάρ ἐφάνη ταῖσ ἐπιβολαῖσ, ὄκνου τε περὶ πάντα καὶ μελλήσεωσ ὑπερέβαλλεν̓,, εἴτε τοῦ γήρωσ τὸ δραστήριον ἐκεῖνο καὶ θερμὸν ἐν αὐτῷ κατασβεννύντοσ ἑξηκοστὸν γάρ ἤδη καὶ πέμπτον ἔτοσ ὑπερέβαλλεν, εἴτε, ὡσ αὐτὸσ ἔλεγε, περὶ νεῦρα γεγονὼσ νοσώδησ καὶ σώματι δύσεργοσ ὢν ὑπέμενε παρὰ δύναμιν αἰσχύνῃ τὰσ στρατείασ. (Plutarch, Caius Marius, chapter 33 1:1)
- οὐ μὴν ἀλλὰ καὶ τότε πλήθει δυνάμεωσ ὑπερέβαλλεν ὁ Πομπήϊοσ τὴν Καίσαροσ· (Plutarch, Caesar, chapter 33 5:1)
- ὀχήματοσ, κόσμου γυναικείου, σκευῶν τῶν περὶ δίαιταν, ὧν ἑκάστου τὸ τίμημα δραχμὰσ χιλίασ καὶ πεντακοσίασ ὑπερέβαλλεν, ἀποτιμᾶσθαι τὴν ἀξίαν εἰσ τὸ δεκαπλάσιον, βουλόμενοσ ἀπὸ μειζόνων τιμημάτων αὐτοῖσ μείζονασ καὶ τὰσ εἰσφορὰσ εἶναι, καὶ προσετίμησε τρεῖσ χαλκοῦσ πρὸσ τοῖσ χιλίοισ, ὅπωσ βαρυνόμενοι ταῖσ ἐπιβολαῖσ καὶ Τοὺσ εὐσταλεῖσ καὶ λιτοὺσ ὁρῶντεσ ἀπὸ τῶν ἴσων ἐλάττονα τελοῦντασ εἰσ τὸ δημόσιον ἀπαγορεύωσιν. (Plutarch, Marcus Cato, chapter 18 2:1)
to throw over or beyond a mark
to force
to run beyond
to outstrip or pass
to overshoot
to go beyond
to pass over
to run over
- ἀμφιβάλλω (to throw or put round, to put them on, to put round oneself)
- ἀναβάλλω (to throw or toss up, to put back, put off)
- ἀποβάλλω (to throw off, to throw off from, to throw away)
- βάλλω ( I throw, cast, hurl)
- διαβάλλω (slander, libel)
- εἰσβάλλω (to throw into, put into, to put on board one's ship)
- ἐκβάλλω (to throw or cast out of, to throw ashore, to cast out of a place)
- ἐμβάλλω (to throw in, put in, to throw)
- ἐνδιαβάλλω (to calumniate in)
- ἐπαναβάλλω (to throw back over, to throw back, defer)
- ἐπεμβάλλω (to put on, to throw down upon, to throw against)
- ἐπιβάλλω (to throw or cast upon, to lay on, to lay on)
- καταβάλλω (to throw down, overthrow, to bring down)
- μεταβάλλω (to throw into a different position, to turn quickly, to throw one's)
- παραβάλλω (to throw beside or by, throw to, to hold out as a bait)
- παρακαταβάλλω (to throw down beside, put, on)
- παρεμβάλλω (to put in beside, insert, interpolate)
- περιβάλλω (to throw round, about, or over)
- προαναβάλλομαι (to say or sing by way of prelude)
- προβάλλω (, to throw or lay before, throw to)
- προδιαβάλλω (to raise prejudices against, beforehand, to have prejudices raised against one)
- προεμβάλλω (to put in or insert before, first striking against, to make the charge)
- προπαραβάλλω (to put beside beforehand, to do so for oneself)
- προσαποβάλλω (to throw away besides)
- προσβάλλω (to strike or dash against, letting, dash against)
- προσδιαβάλλω (to insinuate besides, to slander besides)
- προσεμβάλλω (to throw or put into besides)
- προσπεριβάλλω (to put round besides, to throw or draw round oneself, to be drawn round)
- προυποβάλλω (to put under as a foundation, to be prepared as materials)
- συγκαταβάλλω (to throw down along with)
- συμβάλλω (to throw together, dash together, to unite)
- συνδιαβάλλω (to convey over together, to cross, together)
- συνεισβάλλω (to make an inroad into, together, join in an inroad)
- συνεκβάλλω (to cast out along with, to assist in casting out or expelling)
- συνεμβάλλω (to help in applying, to fall upon also, to join in attacking)
- συνεπιβάλλω (to apply one's mind also, to consider, together)
- ὑποβάλλω (to throw, put or lay under, to lay under)