-μι athematic Verb;
Transliteration: ephiēmi
Principal Part:
Etym.: 3rd sg. imperf.
ἐφίει as if from
- to send to
- to set on or incite
- to throw or launch at, to lay, on
- to send upon
- to send against, did'st let loose
- to throw into
- to let go, loosen, to give up, yield, to permit, allow
- to give up, leave as a prey, to give oneself up to
- to put, to
- to leave, to appeal
- to lay one's command or behest upon, to send orders to
- to allow or permit
- to aim at, to long after, desire, to desire
The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.
Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.
- ἐνῆγον δὲ τὸ βούλευμα καὶ ταύταις αὐτοὺς ταῖς ἐλπίσιν ἐτύφουν Κλασσικός τις καὶ Οὐίτιλλος τῶν παρ αὐτοῖς [ὄντες] ἡγεμόνων, οἳ δῆλον μὲν ὡς ἐκ μακροῦ ταύτης ἐφίεντο τῆς νεωτεροποιίας, ὑπὸ τοῦ καιροῦ δὲ θαρσῆσαι προαχθέντες τὴν αὐτῶν γνώμην ἐξέφηναν: (Flavius Josephus, De bello Judaico libri vii, 95:1)
- οὔτ οὖν ὧν ἄρχειν ἐφίεντο ὑπερβαλέσθαι τότε ἠδύναντο πλήθει τούτων ὧν ἔπεμπον οὔθ ἑαυτοῖς τὸ μένειν ἴσοις κατέλιπον, ἀλλ ἦσαν ἐλάττους μὲν ἔξω, ἐλάττους δὲ οἴκοι, καὶ τὸ προϊέναι τὴν ἀρχὴν αὐτοῖς εἰς ἄπορον καθίστατο οὐκ ἔχουσι τὰ τελευταῖα δι ὅτων αὐτὴν καθέξουσιν: (Aristides, Aelius, Orationes, 15:11)
- ἐπειδὴ δὲ ἐτελεύτησεν ἐκεῖνος, ὠνειροπόλουν μὲν Σικελίαν, ἐφίεντο δὲ Ἰταλίας, ὠρέγοντο δὲ Καρχηδόνος καὶ Λιβύης, πάντας δὲ ἀνθρώπους περιεσκόπουν, ἤρκει δὲ οὐδὲν αὐτοῖς, μακροτέραν δὲ τοῦ πολέμου τὴν παρενθήκην ἐποιήσαντο. (Aristides, Aelius, Orationes, 9:3)
- ἑώς μὲν γὰρ τῆς τῶν ἀστυγειτόνων, ἔτι δὲ τῆς Πελοποννησίων αὐτῶν ἀρχῆς ἐφίεντο, συνεξεποιοῦντο ταῖς ἐκ τῆς Λακωνικῆς αὐτῆς ἐπαρκείαις καὶ χορηγίαις, προχείρους μὲν ἔχοντες τὰς τῶν ἐπιτηδείων παρασκευάς, ταχείας δὲ ποιούμενοι τὰς εἰς τὴν οἰκείαν ἐπανόδους καὶ παρακομιδάς. (Polybius, Histories, book 6, chapter 49 7:1)
to send to
- ἀναπέμπω (to send up)
- ἵημι (I send)
- ἰάλλω (to send)
- συνεπιστέλλω (to send with or together)
- συνεκπέμπω (to send out together)
- συναποπέμπω (to send off together)
- συναναπέμπω (to send up together)
- ἀποστέλλω (to send off, send away from)
- καταπέμπω (to send down)
- ἐνίημι (to send in or into)
- ἀντιπέμπω (to send against)
- προεξαποστέλλω (to send out before)
- προεισπέμπω (to send in before)
- ἀντιπέμπω (to send in the place of)
- προεκπέμπω (to send out before)
- ἀποπέμπω (to send back)
- ἀναπέμπω (to send back)
- ἐκπέμπω (to send out or forth from)
- ἐκπροίημι (to send forth)
- ἀντεκπέμπω (to send out in return)
- ἐπεξελαύνω (to send on to the attack)
- ἐκπέμπω (to send out, send abroad)
- προσπέμπω (to send to, to send or conduct, to)
- μεταστέλλομαι (to send for, summon)
- ὀμβρέω (to rain, sends)
- βρέχω (to rain, send rain, to rain)
- προσκηρυκεύομαι (to send a herald to)
- πέμπω (I send, dispatch)
- πρεσβεύω (to send ambassadors, to go as ambassador)
- ἐπιπρεσβεύομαι (to send an embassy)
- παραπέμπω (to send, to the flank)
to set on or incite
to throw or launch at
- προβάλλω (, to throw or lay before, throw to)
- ἐνίημι (to throw in or upon, to launch, into)
to send upon
to send against
- ἐπιπέμπω (to send upon or to, to send upon or against, let loose upon)
- ἐξανίημι (to send forth, let loose, to send forth from)
- ἐπανίημι (to let loose at)
to throw into
to let go
to put
- ἐξαποδύνω (to put off)
- ἐκποιέω (to put out)
- προστίθημι (to put to, to put to)
- προσβάλλω (to put in)
- παρωθέω (to put off)
- περιάγω (to put off)
- ἐκβαίνω (to make to go out, to put out of)
- συναποσβέννυμι (to put out with or together, to be put out together)
- συναρμόζω (to put together)
- συντίθημι (to put together)
- ὑπερβαίνω (to put over)
- προσαμφιέννυμι (to put on over)
- ἐπαμπέχω (to put on over)
- ἐπιβιβάζω (to put, upon)
- ἀμφιδύω (to put on, to put on oneself)
- ἐνδιδύσκω (to put on, to put on oneself)
- ἀμπέχω (to put round, to put on)
- καταπαύω (to put down)
- ἐνδύω ( I go into, I put on)
- βάλλω ( I put, place)
- προεμβιβάζω (to put in before)
- ἀνθυποκρίνομαι (to put on in turn)
- προσανάγω (to put back to)
- ὑποδύω (to put on under)
- ὑποδύω (to put on, put under)
- ἀναπλέω (to put out to sea)
- ἐπίκειμαι (to be put to or closed)
- ἐπικλίνω (to put, to, closed)
- ἀνέχω (to put forth)
- ἐξείρω (to put forth)
- ἐξίσχω (to put forth)
- ἐμβάλλω (to throw in, put in, to throw)
- διαλύω (to put an end)
- ἐκλύω (to put an end to)
- συνεπιτίθημι (to help in putting on)
- προτίθημι (to put forward)
- προτείνω (to put forward)
- ἐξαλαόω (to put, quite out)
- κατακοιμάω (to put to sleep, to go to sleep, sleep)
- παρεμβάλλω (to put, in line with)
- στέφω (I put around)
- θανατόω (to put to death)
to leave
to allow or permit
to aim at
- ἰσχανάω (to cling to, long after, desire eagerly)
- ἱμείρω (to long for, yearn after, desire)
- ποθέω (one's desiring, one's longing)
- ἀνίημι (to send up or forth, to make spring up, to produce)
- ἀφίημι (to send forth, discharge, emit)
- διίημι (to drive or thrust through, to let, go through)
- εἰσίημι (to send into, to let, in)
- ἐνίημι (to send in or into, to put in, implant)
- ἐξίημι (to send out, let, go out)
- ἵημι (I release, let go, I utter)
- καθίημι (to send down, let fall, we let down)
- μεθίημι (to let go, let loose, release)
- παρίημι (to let drop beside or at the side, let fall, hung down)
- προίημι (to send before, send on or forward, to send)
- προσίημι (to send to or towards, let come to, to apply)
- συνίημι (to send together, to bring together or set together, to come together)
- ὑπερίημι (to outdo)
- ὑφίημι (to let down, to lower, to put under)