Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


-μι athematic Verb; Transliteration:

Principal Part: ἐξίημι ἐξιήσω

Structure: ἐξ (Prefix) + ί̔̄́ε̄ (Stem) + μι (Ending)


  1. to send out, let, go out, had dismissed, satisfied, to take out
  2. to discharge themselves
  3. to put off from oneself, get rid of
  4. to send from oneself, divorce


Present tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἐξῑ́ημι ἐξῑ́ης ἐξῑ́ησιν*
Dual ἐξῑ́ετον ἐξῑ́ετον
Plural ἐξῑ́εμεν ἐξῑ́ετε ἐξῑέᾱσιν*
SubjunctiveSingular ἐξῑῶ ἐξῑῇς ἐξῑῇ
Dual ἐξῑῆτον ἐξῑῆτον
Plural ἐξῑῶμεν ἐξῑῆτε ἐξῑῶσιν*
OptativeSingular ἐξῑείην ἐξῑείης ἐξῑείη
Dual ἐξῑείητον ἐξῑειήτην
Plural ἐξῑείημεν ἐξῑείητε ἐξῑείησαν
ImperativeSingular ἐξῑ́ει ἐξῑέτω
Dual ἐξῑ́ετον ἐξῑέτων
Plural ἐξῑ́ετε ἐξῑέντων
Infinitive ἐξῑέναι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἐξῑεις ἐξῑεντος ἐξῑεισα ἐξῑεισης ἐξῑεν ἐξῑεντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἐξῑ́εμαι ἐξῑ́εσαι ἐξῑ́εται
Dual ἐξῑ́εσθον ἐξῑ́εσθον
Plural ἐξῑέμεθα ἐξῑ́εσθε ἐξῑ́ενται
SubjunctiveSingular ἐξῑῶμαι ἐξῑῇ ἐξῑῆται
Dual ἐξῑῆσθον ἐξῑῆσθον
Plural ἐξῑώμεθα ἐξῑῆσθε ἐξῑῶνται
OptativeSingular ἐξῑείμην ἐξῑεῖο ἐξῑεῖτο
Dual ἐξῑεῖσθον ἐξῑείσθην
Plural ἐξῑείμεθα ἐξῑεῖσθε ἐξῑεῖντο
ImperativeSingular ἐξῑ́εσο ἐξῑέσθω
Dual ἐξῑ́εσθον ἐξῑέσθων
Plural ἐξῑ́εσθε ἐξῑέσθων
Infinitive ἐξῑ́εσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἐξῑεμενος ἐξῑεμενου ἐξῑεμενη ἐξῑεμενης ἐξῑεμενον ἐξῑεμενου

Future tense

Imperfect tense

Aorist tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular έ̓ξηκα έ̓ξηκας έ̓ξηκεν*
Dual ἐξῆκατον ἐξήκατην
Plural ἐξῆκαμεν ἐξῆκατε έ̓ξηκαν
SubjunctiveSingular ἐξέκω ἐξέκῃς ἐξέκῃ
Dual ἐξέκητον ἐξέκητον
Plural ἐξέκωμεν ἐξέκητε ἐξέκωσιν*
OptativeSingular ἐξεκίην ἐξεκίης ἐξεκίη
Dual ἐξεκίητον ἐξεκιήτην
Plural ἐξεκίημεν ἐξεκίητε ἐξεκίησαν
ImperativeSingular ἐξέκον ἐξεκάτω
Dual ἐξέκατον ἐξεκάτων
Plural ἐξέκατε ἐξεκάντων
Infinitive ἐξέκαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἐξεκᾱς ἐξεκαντος ἐξεκᾱσα ἐξεκᾱσης ἐξεκαν ἐξεκαντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἐξήκαμην ἐξῆκω ἐξῆκατο
Dual ἐξῆκασθον ἐξήκασθην
Plural ἐξήκαμεθα ἐξῆκασθε ἐξῆκαντο
SubjunctiveSingular ἐξέκωμαι ἐξέκῃ ἐξέκηται
Dual ἐξέκησθον ἐξέκησθον
Plural ἐξεκώμεθα ἐξέκησθε ἐξέκωνται
OptativeSingular ἐξεκίμην ἐξέκιο ἐξέκιτο
Dual ἐξέκισθον ἐξεκίσθην
Plural ἐξεκίμεθα ἐξέκισθε ἐξέκιντο
ImperativeSingular ἐξέκαι ἐξεκάσθω
Dual ἐξέκασθον ἐξεκάσθων
Plural ἐξέκασθε ἐξεκάσθων
Infinitive ἐξέκεσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἐξεκαμενος ἐξεκαμενου ἐξεκαμενη ἐξεκαμενης ἐξεκαμενον ἐξεκαμενου

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  1. to send out

  2. to discharge themselves

  3. to put off from oneself

  4. to send from oneself


Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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