Non-contract Verb;
Principal Part:
- to pass over from one place to another, had passed over, to go over to the other side
- to pass from one point to another, change thy theme, changing their course, turning round
- having passed to another
- to carry over, to change
The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.
Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.
- Γεβεωνῖται δὲ κατοικοῦντεσ ἔγγιστα τοῖσ Ιἑροσολύμοισ τά τε τοῖσ Ιἑριχουντίοισ συμβεβηκότα πάθη καὶ τὰ τοῖσ Ναϊτίνοισ ὁρῶντεσ καὶ πρὸσ σφᾶσ μεταβήσεσθαι τὸ δεινὸν ὑπονοοῦντεσ, Ιἠσοῦν μὲν παρακαλεῖν οὐ διέγνωσαν· (Flavius Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae, Book 5 66:1)
to pass over from one place to another
having passed to another
to carry over
- ἀμφιβαίνω (to go about or around, to bestride, to bestride)
- ἀναβαίνω (I go up, mount, I turn out)
- ἀποβαίνω (to step off from, to alight or disembark from, to disembark)
- βαίνω (I go, I step, I move on foot.)
- διαβαίνω (to make a stride, walk or stand with the legs apart, planting himself firmly)
- εἰσβαίνω (to go into, to go on board ship, embark)
- εἰσκαταβαίνω (to go down into)
- ἐκβαίνω (to step out of or off from, to disembark, dismount)
- ἐμβαίνω (to step in, step in, to go on)
- ἐξαποβαίνω (to step out of)
- ἐπαναβαίνω (to get up on, mount, mounted)
- ἐπεκβαίνω (to go out upon, disembark)
- ἐπεμβαίνω (to step or tread upon, to stand upon, to embark)
- ἐπιβαίνω (to go upon, to set foot on, tread or walk upon)
- ἐπιδιαβαίνω (to cross over after)
- ἐπικαταβαίνω (to go down to, to go down against)
- καταβαίνω (to step down, to go or come down, to dismount from a chariot or a horse)
- μετεκβαίνω (to go from one place into another, to pass from one note)
- παραβαίνω (to go by the side of, standing beside, to pass beside or beyond)
- παρακαταβαίνω (to dismount beside)
- παρεκβαίνω (to step out aside from, deviate from, to overstep)
- περιβαίνω (to go round, to walk round and round, to bestride)
- προαναβαίνω (to ascend before, preoccupy)
- προβαίνω (to step on, step forward, advance)
- προδιαβαίνω (to go across before)
- προεμβαίνω (to embark first or before)
- προσαναβαίνω (to go up or mount besides, to rise higher, to go back)
- προσβαίνω (to step upon, to go to or towards, approach)
- προσκαταβαίνω (to descend besides)
- συγκαταβαίνω (to go or come down with, to go down together, to the sea-side)
- συμβαίνω (to stand with the feet together, to stand with or beside, so as to assist)
- συναναβαίνω (to go up with or together, with)
- συναποβαίνω (to disembark together with)
- συνδιαβαίνω (to go through or cross over together)
- συνεκβαίνω (to go out together)
- συνεμβαίνω (to embark together, with)
- συνεπιβαίνω (to mount together, on)
- ὑπερβαίνω (to step over, mount, scale)
- ὑπερκαταβαίνω (to get down over, get quite over)
- ὑποβαίνω (to go or stand under, having gone, below)
- ὑποκαταβαίνω (to descend by degrees or stealthily, to come down a little)