ε-contract Verb;
Principal Part:
- to make room for another, give way, draw back, retire, withdraw, gave way, to put back, retire, begone!
- he retired from
- to give way to, retire before
- to go forward, move on or along, to go or come, to go on one's journey, travel, to come to, come on, begin, to go, go, was passing, near an end
- to go on, advance
- to come to an issue, turn out, have come, to go on well, succeed
- to spread abroad, to spread
- to have room for, to hold, contain, take us into your hearts
The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.
Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.
- ἄνδρε γὰρ δύο, ὁ μὲν νεὼσ σῆσ ναυβάτησ, ὁ δ’ ἀλλόθρουσ, χωρεῖτον, ὧν μαθόντεσ αὖθισ εἴσιτον. (Sophocles, Philoctetes, episode13)
he retired from
to give way to
to go on
- προέρχομαι (to advance)
- προέρχομαι (having advanced)
- προβαίνω (to advance)
- προχωρέω (to advance)
- ἀνηγέομαι (to advance)
- προέρχομαι (far advanced)
- προεξάγω (to advance first, with)
- πρόειμι (to go forward, go on, advance)
- προέρχομαι (to go forward, go on, advance)
- προποδίζω (to advance the foot)
- προσβαίνω (to step on, advance)
- ἐμβαίνω (to go on, go quickly, advance)
- προπορεύομαι (to be promoted, advance)
- ὑπέρχομαι (to advance slowly)
- καταβαίνω (to go one's way, advance)
- προήκω (to have advanced, to have come)
to come to an issue
- ἀποβαίνω (to turn out, to turn out well, succeed)
to spread abroad
- ἀναχωρέω (to go back, to retire or withdraw, to retire from)
- ἀποχωρέω (to go from or away from, to go away, depart)
- διαχωρέω (to go through, pass through, diarrhoea)
- ἐγχωρέω (to give room, to allow, permit)
- ἐκχωρέω (to go out and away, depart, emigrate)
- ἐξαναχωρέω (to go out of the way, withdraw, retreat)
- ἐπαναχωρέω (to go back again, to retreat, return)
- ἐπιχωρέω (to give way, yield, to forgive)
- μεταχωρέω (to go to another place, to withdraw, migrate)
- παραχωρέω (to go aside, make room, give place)
- περιχωρέω (to go round, to come round to, come to in succession)
- προαποχωρέω (to go away before)
- προσχωρέω (to go to, approach, to come or go over to)
- προχωρέω (to go or come forward, advance, to go on)
- συγχωρέω (to come together, meet, to meet)
- ὑπαναχωρέω (to retire slowly)
- ὑπεκχωρέω (to withdraw or retire slowly or unnoticed, to retire and give place to, to make way for)
- ὑποχωρέω (to go back, retire, recoil)