Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Non-contract Verb; 이상동사 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: ἐργάζομαι ἐργάσομαι εἰργασάμην εἴργασμαι

Structure: ἐργάζ (Stem) + ομαι (Ending)

Etym.: e)/rgon


  1. I work, labour
  2. I work at, make
  3. I do, perform
  4. (with double accusative) I do something to someone; esp. do someone ill
  5. I work a material
  6. I earn by working
  7. I work at, practice
  8. Module:Quotations:218: attempt to compare number with nil
  9. I cause


미완료 시제 혹은 단순 과거 시제 형성시 e + eeih로 축약될 수 있음.


Present tense

Future tense

Imperfect tense

Aorist tense

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • Ὀλυμπιάδοσ δὲ ὡσ ἐπεκράτησεν ἀνόσια μὲν ἐργασαμένησ καὶ ἐσ τὸν Ἀριδαίου θάνατον, πολλῷ δὲ ἔτι ἀνοσιώτερα ἐσ ἄνδρασ Μακεδόνασ, καὶ διὰ ταῦτα οὐκ ἀνάξια ὕστερον ὑπὸ Κασσάνδρου παθεῖν νομισθείσησ, Αἰακίδην οὖν κατ’ ἀρχὰσ μὲν οὐδ’ αὐτοὶ διὰ τὸ Ὀλυμπιάδοσ ἔχθοσ ἐδέχοντο Ἠπειρῶται, εὑρομένου δὲ ἀνὰ χρόνον παρὰ τούτων συγγνώμην δεύτερα ἠναντιοῦτο Κάσσανδροσ μὴ κατελθεῖν ἐσ Ἤπειρον. (Pausanias, Description of Greece, , chapter 11 6:1)


  1. I work

  2. I work at

  3. I do

  4. I do something to someone

  5. I work at

  6. Module

  7. I cause



Source: Ancient Greek entries from Wiktionary

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