Non-contract Verb;
Principal Part:
- to bring near, to come near, approach
- to be near, to draw near to, approach
- to be always near, to consort or associate with
The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.
Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.
- τὸ μὲν γὰρ ἱερὸν ἀσωτίασ καὶ κώμων ἐπεπλήρωτο ὑπὸ τῶν ἐθνῶν ραθυμούντων μεθ̓ ἑταιρῶν καὶ ἐν τοῖσ ἱεροῖσ περιβόλοισ γυναιξὶ πλησιαζόντων, ἔτι δὲ τὰ μὴ καθήκοντα ἔνδον φερόντων. (Septuagint, Liber Maccabees II 6:4)
- ἔστιν δὲ τῶν ὄντων ἁπάντων τούτων ἐν τῇ ἰατρικῇ τὸ ἐπισφαλέστατον τοὺσ τοιούτουσ ἰᾶσθαι καὶ πλησιάζειν οὕτωσ διακειμένοισ· (Lucian, Abdicatus, (no name) 16:3)
- ἀλλὰ μεταξὺ λόγων ἤδη πλησιάζομεν τῇ Ἀττικῇ· (Lucian, Bis accusatus sive tribunalia, (no name) 9:1)
- ἤδη δὲ ἔγνων κύνα, ἥτισ οἴκοι μὲν κατηφὴσ ἦν καὶ οὐδενὶ τῶν πλησιαζόντων ἔχαιρεν· (Arrian, Cynegeticus, chapter 7 2:1)
- κύνεσ δὲ ἐν ταὐτῷ ἀναπαυόμεναι ὅ τι περ πονηρὸν τοῦ χρωτὸσ τῷ πλησιάζειν τε καὶ ἐκθερμαίνειν ἐπάξουσιν· (Arrian, Cynegeticus, chapter 9 2:4)
- ἐκ τοῦ πλῶ τὸ πλησιάζω, ὁ παρακείμενοσ πέπληκα λέγεται καὶ πέπλακα· (Unknown, Elegy and Iambus, Volume II, , 190)
to bring near
- ἐμπελάζω (to bring near, to come near, approach)
- προσπλάζω (to come near, approach)
- ἐγγίζω ( to come near, approach)
- ἔπειμι (come near, approach)
- ἕπω (to come near, approach, come on)
- ἕπομαι (I come near, approach)
- προσνίσσομαι (to come or go to, to approach)
- προσίημι (to let come to or near, admit, to let)
- πελάζω (to approach, come near, draw near or nigh)
- ἐπιπίλναμαι (to come near)
- πελάζω (come near)
- προσχρίμπτω (to come near)
- ἐγγίζω (to bring near, bring up to)
- ἐπιπελάζω (to bring near to)
- πιλνάω (to bring near)
- προσάγω (to draw near, approach)
- πλάθω (to approach, draw near)
- προσίστημι (to stand near to or by, approaching)
- ἐγχρίμπτω (to come near, approach, driven to)
- ἐπιπέλομαι (to come to or upon, coming on, approaching)
- προσφέρω (to come near, be like)
- προσίστημι (to place near, bring near)
- ἀντιπροσφέρω (to bring near in turn)
to be near
- πλάθω (to approach, draw near)
- προσάγω (to draw near, approach)
- πελάζω (to approach, come near, draw near or nigh)
- ἔπειμι (come near, approach)
- ἕπομαι (I come near, approach)
- προσπλάζω (to come near, approach)
- ἐγγίζω ( to come near, approach)
- ἕπω (to come near, approach, come on)
- προσίστημι (to stand near to or by, approaching)
- συνεγγίζω (to draw near together)
- προσπελάζω (to draw nigh to, approach)
- ἐμπελάζω (to bring near, to come near, approach)
- πιλνάω (to draw near to, approach, went close to)