Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Second declension Noun; Masc/Fem 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: γέρανος γεράνου

Structure: γεραν (Stem) + ος (Ending)


  1. a crane, Grus cinerea
  2. a crane (instrument for lifting)
  3. a type of dance
  4. a type of fish


Second declension

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • Βοῖοσ δ’ ἐν Ὀρνιθογονίᾳ ἢ Βοιώ, ὥσ φησι Φιλόχοροσ, ὑπὸ Ἄρεωσ τὸν Κύκνον ὀρνιθωθῆναι καὶ παραγενόμενον ἐπὶ τὸν Σύβαριν ποταμὸν πλησιάσαι γεράνῳ. (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 9, book 9, chapter 49 2:1)
  • διάφορα δὲ μῆλα γίνεται ἐν Σιδοῦντι, κώμη δ’ ἐστὶν αὕτη Κορίνθου, ὡσ Εὐφορίων ἢ Ἀρχύτασ ἐν Γεράνῳ φησὶν ὡρ́ιον οἱᾶ́ τε μῆλον, ὅ τ’ ἀργιλώδεσιν ὄχθαισ πορφύρεον ἐλαχείῃ ἐνιτρέφεται Σιδόεντι. (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 3, book 3, chapter 22 2:1)


  1. a type of dance

  2. a type of fish

Source: Ancient Greek entries from Wiktionary

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