Non-contract Verb;
Principal Part:
- to write or note down, to have, written down, take care that, is written down
- to describe
- to compose a writing or a work in writing, to write the history of, to write in prose
- to compose, to get, composed
- to compile, draw up, to draw up a contract or bond, to make a treaty, with, to sign a treaty, Patres conscripti
- to draw up a form of motion
- to paint by contract
The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.
Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.
- Πολλοὺσ δὲ καὶ ἄλλουσ ὁμοίουσ τούτοισ ἔχων σοι, ὦ ἑταῖρε, καταριθμήσασθαι, ὀλίγων ὅμωσ ἐπιμνησθεὶσ ἐπὶ τὴν ἑτέραν ὑπόσχεσιν ἤδη μετελεύσομαι, τὴν συμβουλὴν ὅπωσ ἂν ἄμεινον συγγράφοι τισ· (Lucian, Quomodo historia conscribenda sit, chapter 271)
- ἔστι δὴ τοιαῦτα ὥσπερ εἰκὸσ ὁποῖα ἄν τισ αὐτόθεν ὁρμηθεὶσ εἴποι πρὸσ ἕτερον, οὐχ ὁποῖα ἂν ἐπὶ τῷ ὕστερον ἐντυγχάνειν τινὰσ αὐτοῖσ συγγράφοι. (Epictetus, Works, arriani epistula ad lucium gellium, chapter 0 3:1)
to write or note down
to describe
to compose
to draw up a form of motion
to paint by contract
- ἀναγράφω (to engrave and set up, to inscribe, register)
- ἀπογράφω (to write off, copy: to enter in a list, register)
- γράφω (I scratch, carve, I draw)
- διαγράφω (to mark out by lines, delineate, to draw a line through)
- ἐγγράφω (to mark in or on, to paint on, to inscribe)
- εἰσγράφω (to write in, inscribe, to have oneself written)
- ἐκγράφω (to write out, to write out or copy for oneself)
- ἐπιγράφω (to mark the surface, just pierce, graze)
- καταγράφω (to scratch away, lacerate, to engrave)
- μεταγράφω (to write differently, to alter or correct what one has written, to alter the record)
- παραγράφω (to write by the side, to add, to enroll)
- περιγράφω (to draw a line round, mark round, to draw)
- προγράφω (to write before or first, to give public notice of, to summon by public notice)
- προσγράφω (to write besides, add in writing, conditions added to a treaty)
- προσεγγράφω (to inscribe besides upon a pillar, to add a limiting clause)
- προσεπιγράφω (to write on besides)
- συναναγράφω (to register or record together)
- ὑπογράφω (to write under, to sign )