Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


-μι athematic Verb; 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: ὑφίημι ὑφήσω

Structure: ὑπ (Prefix) + ί̔̄́ε̄ (Stem) + μι (Ending)

Etym.: v. i(/hmi


  1. to let down, to lower
  2. to put under, to put, under its dam, put, to suck, to put, to
  3. to engage, secretly, to prepare, to play a part, to suborn, secretly introduced, slipped in
  4. to give up, surrender
  5. to slacken, relax or abate from, to give in, abate, abates from, I give way, to yield, give way to
  6. to lower one's sails, with lowered sails, to lower
  7. cowering, with my, under me
  8. to submit, submissively prepared


Present tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ὑφῑ́ημι ὑφῑ́ης ὑφῑ́ησιν*
Dual ὑφῑ́ετον ὑφῑ́ετον
Plural ὑφῑ́εμεν ὑφῑ́ετε ὑφῑέᾱσιν*
SubjunctiveSingular ὑφῑῶ ὑφῑῇς ὑφῑῇ
Dual ὑφῑῆτον ὑφῑῆτον
Plural ὑφῑῶμεν ὑφῑῆτε ὑφῑῶσιν*
OptativeSingular ὑφῑείην ὑφῑείης ὑφῑείη
Dual ὑφῑείητον ὑφῑειήτην
Plural ὑφῑείημεν ὑφῑείητε ὑφῑείησαν
ImperativeSingular ὑφῑ́ει ὑφῑέτω
Dual ὑφῑ́ετον ὑφῑέτων
Plural ὑφῑ́ετε ὑφῑέντων
Infinitive ὑφῑέναι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ὑφῑεις ὑφῑεντος ὑφῑεισα ὑφῑεισης ὑφῑεν ὑφῑεντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ὑφῑ́εμαι ὑφῑ́εσαι ὑφῑ́εται
Dual ὑφῑ́εσθον ὑφῑ́εσθον
Plural ὑφῑέμεθα ὑφῑ́εσθε ὑφῑ́ενται
SubjunctiveSingular ὑφῑῶμαι ὑφῑῇ ὑφῑῆται
Dual ὑφῑῆσθον ὑφῑῆσθον
Plural ὑφῑώμεθα ὑφῑῆσθε ὑφῑῶνται
OptativeSingular ὑφῑείμην ὑφῑεῖο ὑφῑεῖτο
Dual ὑφῑεῖσθον ὑφῑείσθην
Plural ὑφῑείμεθα ὑφῑεῖσθε ὑφῑεῖντο
ImperativeSingular ὑφῑ́εσο ὑφῑέσθω
Dual ὑφῑ́εσθον ὑφῑέσθων
Plural ὑφῑ́εσθε ὑφῑέσθων
Infinitive ὑφῑ́εσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ὑφῑεμενος ὑφῑεμενου ὑφῑεμενη ὑφῑεμενης ὑφῑεμενον ὑφῑεμενου

Future tense

Imperfect tense

Aorist tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ύ̔φηκα ύ̔φηκας ύ̔φηκεν*
Dual ὑφῆκατον ὑφήκατην
Plural ὑφῆκαμεν ὑφῆκατε ύ̔φηκαν
SubjunctiveSingular ὑφέκω ὑφέκῃς ὑφέκῃ
Dual ὑφέκητον ὑφέκητον
Plural ὑφέκωμεν ὑφέκητε ὑφέκωσιν*
OptativeSingular ὑφεκίην ὑφεκίης ὑφεκίη
Dual ὑφεκίητον ὑφεκιήτην
Plural ὑφεκίημεν ὑφεκίητε ὑφεκίησαν
ImperativeSingular ὑφέκον ὑφεκάτω
Dual ὑφέκατον ὑφεκάτων
Plural ὑφέκατε ὑφεκάντων
Infinitive ὑφέκαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ὑφεκᾱς ὑφεκαντος ὑφεκᾱσα ὑφεκᾱσης ὑφεκαν ὑφεκαντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ὑφήκαμην ὑφῆκω ὑφῆκατο
Dual ὑφῆκασθον ὑφήκασθην
Plural ὑφήκαμεθα ὑφῆκασθε ὑφῆκαντο
SubjunctiveSingular ὑφέκωμαι ὑφέκῃ ὑφέκηται
Dual ὑφέκησθον ὑφέκησθον
Plural ὑφεκώμεθα ὑφέκησθε ὑφέκωνται
OptativeSingular ὑφεκίμην ὑφέκιο ὑφέκιτο
Dual ὑφέκισθον ὑφεκίσθην
Plural ὑφεκίμεθα ὑφέκισθε ὑφέκιντο
ImperativeSingular ὑφέκαι ὑφεκάσθω
Dual ὑφέκασθον ὑφεκάσθων
Plural ὑφέκασθε ὑφεκάσθων
Infinitive ὑφέκεσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ὑφεκαμενος ὑφεκαμενου ὑφεκαμενη ὑφεκαμενης ὑφεκαμενον ὑφεκαμενου

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • εἰ γάρ γ’ ὑφήσεισ τοῦδ’, ἀπαλλάξῃ βίου. (Euripides, Ion, episode, iambic 3:7)


  1. to let down

  2. to give up

  3. to slacken

  4. to lower one's sails

  5. cowering


Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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