Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


First/Second declension Adjective; 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: χθόνιος χθόνιᾱ χθόνιον

Structure: χθονι (Stem) + ος (Ending)

Etym.: xqw/n


  1. in, under or beneath the earth, subterranean, of the nether world, with, gods below
  2. of or from the earth
  3. in or of the country, native
  4. of the earth


  • ὦ μέγα χρύσεον ἀστεροπῆσ φάοσ, ὦ Διὸσ ἄμβροτον ἔγχοσ πυρφόρον, ὦ χθόνιαι βαρυαχέεσ ὀμβροφόροι θ’ ἅμα βρονταί, αἷσ ὅδε νῦν χθόνα σείει. (Aristophanes, Birds, Exodus, lyric1)
  • ὦ χθόνιαι θεαὶ σῶμά τ’ ἀνικάτου θηρόσ, ὃν ἐν πύλαισι ταῖσι πολυξένοισ εὐνᾶσθαι κνυζεῖσθαί τ’ ἐξ ἄντρων ἀδάματον φύλακα παρ’ Αἵδᾳ λόγοσ αἰὲν ἔχει· (Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus, choral, antistrophe 11)
  • οἰοπόλοι δ’ εἰμὲν χθόνιαι θεαὶ αὐδήεσσαι, ἡρῷσσαι, Λιβύησ τιμήοροι ἠδὲ θύγατρεσ. (Apollodorus, Argonautica, book 4 21:4)


  1. in

  2. of or from the earth

  3. in or of the country

  4. of the earth


Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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