Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Third declension Noun; Neuter 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: σύστημα συστήματος

Structure: συστηματ (Stem)

Etym.: susth=nai


  1. a whole made of several parts or members.
  2. an organized government, confederacy
  3. a body of soldiers, corps
  4. flock, herd
  5. college of priests or magistrates
  6. (music) the combination of several tones
  7. the combination of several verses into a whole composition
  8. the accumulation of sediment
  9. machine, apparatus


Third declension

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • ὃν ταῖσ μὲν ἀσθενέσι καὶ βληχραῖσ αὔραισ ὀχεῖσθαι μετεωριζόμενον καὶ παλμοὺσ ποιοῦντα καὶ συγκρούοντα συστήμασιν ἑτέροισ ὁμοίοισ, νηνεμίασ δ’ ἐπιλαμβανούσησ καθίστασθαι πρὸσ τὴν γῆν, βαρὺν ὄντα καὶ τετυπωμένον ὡσ ἔτυχεν· (Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, book 3, chapter 51 3:2)
  • παραπλησίωσ οὐδὲ δημοκρατίαν, ἐν ᾗ πᾶν πλῆθοσ κύριόν ἐστι ποιεῖν ὅ, τι ποτ’ ἂν αὐτὸ βουληθῇ καὶ πρόθηται παρὰ δ’ ᾧ πάτριόν ἐστι καὶ σύνηθεσ θεοὺσ σέβεσθαι, γονεῖσ θεραπεύειν, πρεσβυτέρουσ αἰδεῖσθαι, νόμοισ πείθεσθαι, παρὰ τοῖσ τοιούτοισ συστήμασιν ὅταν τὸ τοῖσ πλείοσι δόξαν νικᾷ, τοῦτο καλεῖν δεῖ δημοκρατίαν. (Polybius, Histories, book 6, chapter 4 4:1)


  1. flock

  2. the combination of several tones


Source: Ancient Greek entries from Wiktionary

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