-μι athematic Verb;
Principal Part:
- to fill up
- having filled up the full measure
- to fill full of
- defiling, infecting, to be infected with disease
The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.
Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.
- καὶ ἐν ᾧἂν ζῶμεν, οὕτωσ, ὡσ ἐοίκεν, ἐγγυτάτω ἐσόμεθα τοῦ εἰδέναι, ἐὰν ὅτι μάλιστα μηδὲν ὁμιλῶμεν τῷ σώματι μηδὲ κοινωνῶμεν, ὅτι μὴ πᾶσα ἀνάγκη, μηδὲ ἀναπιμπλώμεθα τῆσ τούτου φύσεωσ, ἀλλὰ καθαρεύωμεν ἀπ’ αὐτοῦ, ἑώσ ἂν ὁ θεὸσαὐτὸσ ἀπολύσῃ ἡμᾶσ. (Plutarch, Consolatio ad Apollonium, chapter, section 13 2:9)
- καὶ ἐν ᾧ ἂν ζῶμεν, οὕτωσ, ὡσ ἐοίκεν, ἐγγυτάτω ἐσόμεθα τοῦ εἰδέναι, ἐὰν ὅτι μάλιστα μηδὲν ὁμιλῶμεν τῷ σώματι μηδὲ κοινωνῶμεν, ὅτι μὴ πᾶσα ἀνάγκη, μηδὲ ἀναπιμπλώμεθα τῆσ τούτου φύσεωσ, ἀλλὰ καθαρεύωμεν ἀπ’ αὐτοῦ, ἑώσ ἂν ὁ θεὸσ αὐτὸσ ἀπολύσῃ ἡμᾶσ· (Plato, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, 127:4)
to fill up
- ἐμπίπλημι (to be filled with . .)
- κατέχω (to fill, to fill)
- ἀποπίμπλημι (to fill up)
- πίμπλημι (I fill; I fill with)
- ἀναπληρόω (to fill up, to fill)
- ἀναπληρόω (to fill up)
- ἐγχέω (to fill the)
- περιπίμπλαμαι (to be filled full)
- μεστόω (to fill full of, to be filled or full of)
- καταπίμπλημι (to fill full of)
- ἐπιπίμπλημι (to fill full of)
- ἐμπίπλημι (to fill full of)
- ἐκπίμπλημι (to fill up, to fill, full of)
- ἀναμεστόω (to fill up, fill full)
- ἐκπληρόω (to fill quite up)
- ἀνταναπίμπλημι (to fill up in return)
- ἀνεκπίμπλημι (to fill up or again)
- προσπληρόω (to fill up or complete)
- πίμπλημι (I fill an office)
- ἐγχέω (to fill by pouring in)
- θυηπολέω (to sacrifice, is filled with sacrifices)
- καταγράφω (to fill, with writing)
- παρεμπίπλημι (to fill secretly with)
- μέλδομαι (to melt, filled with melting)
- τύφω (to fill, with smoke)
- ἄω ( to take one's fill)
- ἄω ()
- διυφαίνω (to fill up by weaving)
- ἀπομεστόομαι (to be filled to the brim)
- ἐμπίπλημι (to eat one's fill)
- ἐμπίνω (to drink one's fill)
- πληρόω (fill, make full)
having filled up the full measure
to fill full of
- περιπίμπλαμαι (to be filled full)
- μεστόω (to fill full of, to be filled or full of)
- ἐπιπίμπλημι (to fill full of)
- ἐμπίπλημι (to fill full of)
- ἐκπίμπλημι (to fill up, to fill, full of)
- καταπίμπλημι (to fill full of)
- ἀναμεστόω (to fill up, fill full)
- πληρόω (fill, make full)
- ὑπερεμφορέομαι (to be filled quite full)
- ἐμπίπλημι (to fill quite full)
- ἐγχέω (to fill the)
- ἀναπληρόω (to fill up)
- πίμπλημι (I fill; I fill with)
- ἐμπίπλημι (to be filled with . .)
- ἀναπληρόω (to fill up, to fill)
- ἀποπίμπλημι (to fill up)
- κατέχω (to fill, to fill)
- ὑπερεμπίπλημι (to fill over-full, to be overfull)
- διαλφιτόω (to fill full of barley meal)
- γέμω (to be full of)
- γέμω (to be full)
- βρύω ( to be full of)
- πίμπλημι (I fill full, satisfy, glut)
- ἀναπληρόω (to make up, supply, to fill their)