Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Third declension Noun; Neuter 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: ἐρέθισμα ἐρέθισματος

Structure: ἐρεθισματ (Stem)

Etym.: from e)re/qizw


  1. a stirring up, exciting


Third declension

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • τὸν δὲ γυναικείων μελέων πλέξαντα πότ’ ᾠδὰσ ἡδὺν Ἀνακρείοντα Τέωσ εἰσ Ἑλλάδ’ ἀνῆγεν, συμποσίων ἐρέθισμα, γυναικῶν ἠπερόπευμα, αὐλῶν ἀντίπαλον, φιλοβάρβιτον, ἡδύν, ἄλυπον. (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 13, book 13, chapter 74 2:3)
  • Τὸν σὲ γυναικείων μελέων πλέξαντά ποτ’ ᾠδὰσ ἡδὺν Ἀνακρείοντα Τέωσ εἰσ Ἑλλάδ’ ἀνῆγεν, συμποσίων ἐρέθισμα, γυναικῶν ἠπερόπευμα, αὐλῶν ἀντίπαλον, φιλοβάρβιτον, ἡδύν, ἄλυπον· (Unknown, Elegy and Iambus, Volume I, , 5)
  • ὁ δὲ τέωσ μὲν αὑτοῦ κατεῖχε, μετὰ δέ, οὐ φέρων ἔτι τὸ ἐρέθισμα, ἀντήλασε τὸν ἵππον. (Appian, The Foreign Wars, chapter 2:16)
  • ἐρέθισμα. (Appian, The Foreign Wars, chapter 2:19)
  • ἢ τί ἄλλο πλὴν ὀδύνη, καὶ ἐρέθισμα ἐπανελθεῖν ἐσ αὐτά, εἴ ποτε δύναισθε; (Appian, The Foreign Wars, chapter 12 9:7)


Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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