Non-contract Verb;
Principal Part:
- to engrave and set up, to inscribe, register
- to register, to be registered, to be registered
- to describe
- to entitle
The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.
Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.
- οἱ δὲ ἔφηβοι ἐγγραφόμενοι πρότερον μὲν εἰσ λελευκωμένα γραμματεῖα ἐνεγράφοντο, καὶ ἐπεγράφοντο αὐτοῖσ ὅ τ’ ἄρχων ἐφ’ οὗ ἐνεγράφησαν, καὶ ὁ ἐπώνυμοσ ὁ τῷ προτέρῳ ἔτει δεδιαιτηκώσ, νῦν δ’ εἰσ στήλην χαλκῆν ἀναγράφονται, καὶ ἵσταται ἡ στήλη πρὸ τοῦ βουλευτηρίου παρὰ τοὺσ ἐπωνύμουσ. (Aristotle, Athenian Constitution, work Ath. Pol., chapter 53 4:4)
- ἅμα γὰρ τῷ κατασταθῆναί τινα εἰσ τὴν ἀρχὴν ἀναγράφονται τὰσ ἐγκύουσ γυναῖκασ τῶν ἐπιφανῶν ἀνδρῶν καὶ ἐφιστᾶσι φύλακασ, ἥτισ [δ’] ἂν πρώτη τέκῃ, τὸν ταύτησ υἱὸν νόμοσ ἐστὶν ἀναληφθέντα τρέφεσθαι βασιλικῶσ ὡσ διαδεξόμενον. (Strabo, Geography, book 16, chapter 4 6:4)
to engrave and set up
to register
to describe
- ἀπογράφω (to write off, copy: to enter in a list, register)
- γράφω (I scratch, carve, I draw)
- διαγράφω (to mark out by lines, delineate, to draw a line through)
- ἐγγράφω (to mark in or on, to paint on, to inscribe)
- εἰσγράφω (to write in, inscribe, to have oneself written)
- ἐκγράφω (to write out, to write out or copy for oneself)
- ἐπιγράφω (to mark the surface, just pierce, graze)
- καταγράφω (to scratch away, lacerate, to engrave)
- μεταγράφω (to write differently, to alter or correct what one has written, to alter the record)
- παραγράφω (to write by the side, to add, to enroll)
- περιγράφω (to draw a line round, mark round, to draw)
- προγράφω (to write before or first, to give public notice of, to summon by public notice)
- προσγράφω (to write besides, add in writing, conditions added to a treaty)
- προσεγγράφω (to inscribe besides upon a pillar, to add a limiting clause)
- προσεπιγράφω (to write on besides)
- συγγράφω (to write or note down, to have, written down)
- συναναγράφω (to register or record together)
- ὑπογράφω (to write under, to sign )