Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Third declension Noun; Masc/Fem 수학 Transliteration:

Principal Part: ἕλιξ ἕλικος

Structure: ἑλικ (Stem) + ς (Ending)

Etym.: e(li/ssw


  1. Anything twisted, winding, or spiral.
  2. The tendril of a vine.
  3. The outer ear
  4. (mathematics) A spiral line.


Third declension

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • δὴ τότε χορτάζειν ἕλικασ βόασ ἔνδον ἐόντασ· (Hesiod, Works and Days, Book WD 51:4)
  • τῇ δέ τε μῆλα καὶ εἰλίποδασ ἕλικασ βοῦσ καὶ κύνα καρχαρόδοντα καὶ οὐρῆασ ταλαεργοὺσ πρηύ̈νειν ἐπὶ χεῖρα τιθείσ. (Hesiod, Works and Days, Book WD 96:4)
  • καὶ ἔτι τὰ πεπλεγμένα καὶ πολλὰσ τὰσ ἕλικασ ἔχοντα σχήματα ταυτί· (Dionysius of Halicarnassus, , chapter 48 3:6)
  • εἶχεν σκίπωνί τε ἐπεστηρίζετο χρυσᾶσ ἕλικασ ἐμπεπαισμένῳ χρυσοῖσ τε ἀνασπαστοῖσ ἐπέσφιγγε τῶν βλαυτῶν τοὺσ ἀναγωγέασ. (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 12, book 12, chapter 62 3:2)
  • ὄφρα δὲ πῦρ ἀνέκαιε βίη κλυτοῦ Ἡφαίστοιο, τόφρα δ’ ὑποβρύχουσ ἕλικασ βοῦσ εἷλκε θύραζε δοιὰσ ἄγχι πυρόσ· (Anonymous, Homeric Hymns, 13:1)


  1. Anything twisted

  2. The tendril of a vine

  3. The outer ear

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