Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


α-contract Verb; 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: ἀποσπάω

Structure: ἀπο (Prefix) + σπά (Stem) + ω (Ending)


  1. to tear or drag away from, to tear, from, to tear, away, to drag away for oneself, to be dragged away, detached, separated from
  2. to tear off
  3. to draw off, having drawn off, to be separated, broken


Present tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἀπόσπω ἀπόσπᾳς ἀπόσπᾳ
Dual ἀπόσπᾱτον ἀπόσπᾱτον
Plural ἀπόσπωμεν ἀπόσπᾱτε ἀπόσπωσιν*
SubjunctiveSingular ἀπόσπω ἀπόσπῃς ἀπόσπῃ
Dual ἀπόσπητον ἀπόσπητον
Plural ἀπόσπωμεν ἀπόσπητε ἀπόσπωσιν*
OptativeSingular ἀπόσπῳμι ἀπόσπῳς ἀπόσπῳ
Dual ἀπόσπῳτον ἀποσπῷτην
Plural ἀπόσπῳμεν ἀπόσπῳτε ἀπόσπῳεν
ImperativeSingular ἀπόσπᾱ ἀποσπᾶτω
Dual ἀπόσπᾱτον ἀποσπᾶτων
Plural ἀπόσπᾱτε ἀποσπῶντων, ἀποσπᾶτωσαν
Infinitive ἀπόσπᾱν
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἀποσπων ἀποσπωντος ἀποσπωσα ἀποσπωσης ἀποσπων ἀποσπωντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἀπόσπωμαι ἀπόσπᾳ ἀπόσπᾱται
Dual ἀπόσπᾱσθον ἀπόσπᾱσθον
Plural ἀποσπῶμεθα ἀπόσπᾱσθε ἀπόσπωνται
SubjunctiveSingular ἀπόσπωμαι ἀπόσπῃ ἀπόσπηται
Dual ἀπόσπησθον ἀπόσπησθον
Plural ἀποσπώμεθα ἀπόσπησθε ἀπόσπωνται
OptativeSingular ἀποσπῷμην ἀπόσπῳο ἀπόσπῳτο
Dual ἀπόσπῳσθον ἀποσπῷσθην
Plural ἀποσπῷμεθα ἀπόσπῳσθε ἀπόσπῳντο
ImperativeSingular ἀπόσπω ἀποσπᾶσθω
Dual ἀπόσπᾱσθον ἀποσπᾶσθων
Plural ἀπόσπᾱσθε ἀποσπᾶσθων, ἀποσπᾶσθωσαν
Infinitive ἀπόσπᾱσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἀποσπωμενος ἀποσπωμενου ἀποσπωμενη ἀποσπωμενης ἀποσπωμενον ἀποσπωμενου

Imperfect tense

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  1. to tear or drag away from

  2. to tear off

  3. to draw off


Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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