Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Adjective; 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: χράομαι

Etym.: Dep.


  1. consulting or using an oracle, to use, he was endowed, to have, to use, use
  2. to indulge one's
  3. to experience, suffer, be subject to, to have, to come to, to become a slave, to live under
  4. to use, to make, use, of, to make of, use shall I make
  5. to treat, uti familiariter, to be intimate with, friends
  6. to make use of
  7. are wont to do, is, custom
  8. to be in need or want of, to yearn after, needy, in need, poor
  9. to have in use, to have, possess
  10. to be used, it be in use


  1. to indulge one's

  2. to use

  3. to make use of

  4. to be in need or want of

  5. to have in use

  6. to be used

Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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