헬라어(고대 그리스어, 희랍어)-한국어-영어 사전 Language


3군 변화 형용사; 로마알파벳 전사: 고전 발음: [] 신약 발음: []

기본형: μῶν

  1. but surely not? is it so?


  • μῶν δ’ οὖν κἀμὲ ξενίασ διώκεισ ; (Lucian, Deorum concilium, (no name) 6:9)

    (루키아노스, Deorum concilium, (no name) 6:9)

  • Μῶν ὅτι ὁ Ζεὺσ ἐραστὴσ τῆσ παιδὸσ ἐκ πολ λοῦ; (Lucian, Dialogi Marini, zephyrus and notus, chapter 113)

    (루키아노스, Dialogi Marini, zephyrus and notus, chapter 113)

  • μῶν, Φοῖβε Παιάν, σὸν γεραίρουσιν σέβασ; (Lucian, 19)

    (루키아노스, 19)

  • "μῶν παρὰ Ὀνομακρίτῳ ; (Lucian, Lexiphanes, (no name) 3:3)

    (루키아노스, Lexiphanes, (no name) 3:3)

  • μῶν τισ λόχοσ ἐκ νυκτῶν; (Euripides, Rhesus, choral, anapests17)

    (에우리피데스, Rhesus, choral, anapests17)


  1. but surely not? is it so?

출처: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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