ε-contract Verb;
Principal Part:
- to manage a house, to manage, control, govern, administer, to manage after one's own will and pleasure
- to provide, furnish
- to inhabit distinct places, to live apart
The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.
Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.
- ΔΙΑΤΕΙΝΕΙ δὲ ἀπὸ πέρατοσ εἰσ πέρασ εὐρώστωσ καὶ διοικεῖ τὰ πάντα χρηστῶσ. (Septuagint, Liber Sapientiae 8:1)
- διοικεῖ δὲ καὶ τὸν ἀγῶνα τῶν Διονυσίων οὗτοσ καὶ τῶν Θαργηλίων. (Aristotle, Athenian Constitution, work Ath. Pol., chapter 56 5:2)
- ὡσ δ’ ἔποσ εἰπεῖν καὶ τὰσ πατρίουσ θυσίασ διοικεῖ οὗτοσ πάσασ. (Aristotle, Athenian Constitution, work Ath. Pol., chapter 57 1:7)
- οὐκοῦν βασιλικῇ τε καὶ τυραννικῇ τέχνῃ διοικεῖ; (Plato, Alcibiades 1, Alcibiades 2, Hipparchus, Lovers, Theages, Charmides, Laches, Lysis, 160:1)
- διῄρηται μὲν οὖν τὸ βουλευόμενον πρὸσ τὰσ πολιτείασ τοῦτον τὸν τρόπον, καὶ διοικεῖ ἑκάστη πολιτεία κατὰ τὸν εἰρημένον διορισμόν· (Aristotle, Politics, Book 4 231:1)
- ἀποικέω (to go away from home, to settle in a foreign country, emigrate)
- εἰσοικέω (to settle in)
- ἐνοικέω (to dwell in, gave, to dwell in)
- ἐξοικέω (to emigrate, to be completely inhabited)
- ἐποικέω (to go as settler or colonist to, to settle in, to be settled with hostile views against)
- κατοικέω (to dwell in, to settle in, to colonise)
- μετοικέω (to change one's abode, remove to, to settle in)
- οἰκέω (, I inhabit, I colonize)
- παροικέω (to dwell beside, dwell along the coast of, to live near)
- περιοικέω (to dwell round)
- προδιοικέω (to regulate, order, govern)
- προεποικέω (to colonise before)
- προσοικέω (to dwell by or near, neighbouring tribes, to dwell in or near)
- προσσυνοικέω (to settle with, in, join with)
- συνοικέω (to dwell together, to live with, to live together)
- ὑπεροικέω (to dwell above or beyond)
- ὑποικέω (to dwell under: to lie hidden)