Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


First/Second declension Adjective; Transliteration:

Principal Part: Χῖος Χῖη Χῖον

Structure: Χι (Stem) + ος (Ending)

Etym.: from Xi/os


  1. Chian, of or from Chios, Homer
  2. the Chians
  3. ace-dot


First/Second declension

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • Μῶν καὶ σύ τινα ὥσπερ ὁ Φάων τὴν Ἀφροδίτην ἐκ Χίου διεπόρθμευσασ, εἶτά σοι εὐξαμένῳ ἔδωκε νέον εἶναι καὶ καλὸν ἐξ ὑπαρχῆσ καὶ ἀξιέραστον; (Lucian, Dialogi mortuorum, 4:3)
  • ὁ δὲ Χῖοσ Ιὤν τραγῳδίαν νικήσασ Ἀθήνησιν ἑκάστῳ τῶν Ἀθηναίων ἔδωκε Χίου κεράμιον. (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, book 1, chapter 5 2:1)
  • διαβόητοι δὲ ἐπὶ σφαιρικῇ Δημοτέλησ ὁ Θεοκρίτου τοῦ Χίου σοφιστοῦ ἀδελφὸσ καί τισ Χαιρεφάνησ· (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, book 1, chapter 25 1:2)
  • Χίου δὲ οἴνου καὶ Θασίου μέμνηται Ἐπίλυκοσ· (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, book 1, chapter 513)
  • χαριέστατοσ δ’ ἐστὶν ὁ Χῖοσ καὶ τοῦ Χίου ὁ καλούμενοσ Ἀριούσιοσ. (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, book 1, chapter 59 3:2)


  1. the Chians

Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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