Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


-μι athematic Verb; 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: πρόκειμαι πρόκείσομαι

Structure: προ (Prefix) + κεί (Stem) + μαι (Ending)

Etym.: used as Pass. of proti/qhmi


  1. to be set before one
  2. to lie exposed, to lie dead, the corpse laid out
  3. to be set before all, to be set before all, be set forth, proposed, were set forth, proposed, proposed, in hand
  4. to be set forth beforehand, to be prescribed, prescribed, are set, fixed
  5. to lie before, lie in front of
  6. to precede, initial


Present tense

Future tense

Imperfect tense

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • ὦ χεῖρεσ, ὡσ εἰκοὺσ μὲν ἡδείασ πατρὸσ κέκτησθ’, ἐν ἄρθροισ δ’ ἔκλυτοι πρόκεισθέ μοι. (Euripides, The Trojan Women, episode, anapests 3:5)


  1. to be set before one

  2. to be set forth beforehand

  3. to lie before

  4. to precede


Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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