Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Non-contract Verb; 이상동사 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: ληίζομαι

Structure: ληίζ (Stem) + ομαι (Ending)

Etym.: lhi/s


  1. to seize as booty, to carry off as prey, to get by force, to gain, get
  2. to plunder, despoil
  3. to plunder
  4. to be carried off, taken as booty


  • Ἥρη μὲν παράκοιτισ ἀγαλλομένη Διὸσ εὐνῇ ἵστατο θαμβήσασα καὶ ἤθελε ληίζεσθαι· (Colluthus, Rape of Helen, book 129)
  • ἢ νὴ Δία τὴν γῆν ταύτην καὶ τὴν ἄρουραν ἀποβλέψασ ἐμπεπλησμένην ἡμέρων καρπῶν καὶ βρίθουσαν ἀσταχύων, ἔπειτα ὑποβλέψασ που τοῖσ ληίοισ τούτοισ καὶ πού τινοσ αἴρασ στάχυν ἰδὼν καὶ ὀροβάγχην, εἶτ’ ἀφεὶσ ἐκεῖνα καρποῦσθαι καὶ ληίζεσθαι μέμφοιτο περὶ τούτων. (Plutarch, De esu carnium I, chapter, section 3 3:1)


  1. to plunder

  2. to plunder

  3. to be carried off

Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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