Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Third declension Noun; Neuter Transliteration:

Principal Part: ἔτνος ἔτνεος

Structure: ἐτνο (Stem) + ς (Ending)


  1. a thick soup of pulse, pea-soup


Third declension

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • "ὁ Ζεὺσ δ’ ὑών οἴνῳ καπνίᾳ κατὰ τοῦ κεράμου βαλανεύσει, ἀπὸ τῶν δὲ τεγῶν ὀχετοὶ βοτρύων μετὰ ναστίσκων πολυτύρων ὀχετεύσονται θερμῷ σὺν ἔτνει καὶ λειριοπολφανεμώναισ. (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 6, book 6, chapter 81 1:158)
  • "ψακαζέτω δ’ ἄρτοισιν, ὑέτω δ’ ἔτνει, ζωμὸσ διὰ τῶν ὁδῶν κυλινδείτω κρέα, πλακοῦσ ἑαυτὸν ἐσθίειν κελευέτω. (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 6, book 6, chapter 81 1:164)
  • ποτέραν πρέπειν τοῖν τορύναιν τῷ ἔτνει καὶ τῇ χύτρᾳ; (Plato, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis, 59:5)


Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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