Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


α-contract Verb; Transliteration:

Principal Part: χράω

Structure: χρά (Stem) + ω (Ending)


  1. to furnish what is needful
  2. to furnish the needful answer, to declare, pronounce, proclaim, to warn or direct by oracle, that
  3. to consult a god or oracle, to inquire of, consult, using an oracle, to use, to consult the oracle, the consulters, one who has received an oracular response
  4. to furnish with, to furnish the use of, to lend, to have furnished one, borrow, lent, borrowed


Present tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular χρῶ χρᾷς χρᾷ
Dual χρᾶτον χρᾶτον
Plural χρῶμεν χρᾶτε χρῶσιν*
SubjunctiveSingular χρῶ χρῇς χρῇ
Dual χρῆτον χρῆτον
Plural χρῶμεν χρῆτε χρῶσιν*
OptativeSingular χρῷμι χρῷς χρῷ
Dual χρῷτον χρῴτην
Plural χρῷμεν χρῷτε χρῷεν
ImperativeSingular χρᾶ χρᾱ́τω
Dual χρᾶτον χρᾱ́των
Plural χρᾶτε χρώντων, χρᾱ́τωσαν
Infinitive χρᾶν
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
χρων χρωντος χρωσα χρωσης χρων χρωντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular χρῶμαι χρᾷ χρᾶται
Dual χρᾶσθον χρᾶσθον
Plural χρώμεθα χρᾶσθε χρῶνται
SubjunctiveSingular χρῶμαι χρῇ χρῆται
Dual χρῆσθον χρῆσθον
Plural χρώμεθα χρῆσθε χρῶνται
OptativeSingular χρῴμην χρῷο χρῷτο
Dual χρῷσθον χρῴσθην
Plural χρῴμεθα χρῷσθε χρῷντο
ImperativeSingular χρῶ χρᾱ́σθω
Dual χρᾶσθον χρᾱ́σθων
Plural χρᾶσθε χρᾱ́σθων, χρᾱ́σθωσαν
Infinitive χρᾶσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
χρωμενος χρωμενου χρωμενη χρωμενης χρωμενον χρωμενου

Imperfect tense

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • ἀφ’ οὗ πάλιν ἀπολάμποντοσ τὰ ὁμοροῦντα τοῦ ἀέροσ χρῶσιν ταύτην λήψεται, οἱάν θεωροῦμεν, κατὰ πρόσλαμψιν πρὸσ τὰ μέρη. (Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, I, EPIKOUROS 109:6)


  1. to furnish what is needful

    • σάττω (to furnish with all things needful, furnished)
  2. to consult a god or oracle

  3. to furnish with


Similar forms

Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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