Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


α-contract Verb; Transliteration:

Principal Part: ἐκτιμάω ἐκτιμήσω

Structure: ἐκ (Prefix) + τιμά (Stem) + ω (Ending)


  1. to honour highly


Present tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἐκτιμῶ ἐκτιμᾷς ἐκτιμᾷ
Dual ἐκτιμᾶτον ἐκτιμᾶτον
Plural ἐκτιμῶμεν ἐκτιμᾶτε ἐκτιμῶσιν*
SubjunctiveSingular ἐκτιμῶ ἐκτιμῇς ἐκτιμῇ
Dual ἐκτιμῆτον ἐκτιμῆτον
Plural ἐκτιμῶμεν ἐκτιμῆτε ἐκτιμῶσιν*
OptativeSingular ἐκτιμῷμι ἐκτιμῷς ἐκτιμῷ
Dual ἐκτιμῷτον ἐκτιμῴτην
Plural ἐκτιμῷμεν ἐκτιμῷτε ἐκτιμῷεν
ImperativeSingular ἐκτίμᾱ ἐκτιμᾱ́τω
Dual ἐκτιμᾶτον ἐκτιμᾱ́των
Plural ἐκτιμᾶτε ἐκτιμώντων, ἐκτιμᾱ́τωσαν
Infinitive ἐκτιμᾶν
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἐκτιμων ἐκτιμωντος ἐκτιμωσα ἐκτιμωσης ἐκτιμων ἐκτιμωντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἐκτιμῶμαι ἐκτιμᾷ ἐκτιμᾶται
Dual ἐκτιμᾶσθον ἐκτιμᾶσθον
Plural ἐκτιμώμεθα ἐκτιμᾶσθε ἐκτιμῶνται
SubjunctiveSingular ἐκτιμῶμαι ἐκτιμῇ ἐκτιμῆται
Dual ἐκτιμῆσθον ἐκτιμῆσθον
Plural ἐκτιμώμεθα ἐκτιμῆσθε ἐκτιμῶνται
OptativeSingular ἐκτιμῴμην ἐκτιμῷο ἐκτιμῷτο
Dual ἐκτιμῷσθον ἐκτιμῴσθην
Plural ἐκτιμῴμεθα ἐκτιμῷσθε ἐκτιμῷντο
ImperativeSingular ἐκτιμῶ ἐκτιμᾱ́σθω
Dual ἐκτιμᾶσθον ἐκτιμᾱ́σθων
Plural ἐκτιμᾶσθε ἐκτιμᾱ́σθων, ἐκτιμᾱ́σθωσαν
Infinitive ἐκτιμᾶσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἐκτιμωμενος ἐκτιμωμενου ἐκτιμωμενη ἐκτιμωμενης ἐκτιμωμενον ἐκτιμωμενου

Imperfect tense

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  1. to honour highly


Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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