- Greek-English Dictionary

Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Non-contract Verb; 이상동사 자동번역 Transliteration: mēdomai

Principal Part: μήδομαι

Structure: μήδ (Stem) + ομαι (Ending)

Etym.: μῆδος


  1. to be minded, to intend, resolve, counsels I should take
  2. to plan, plot, contrive, to scheme, wrought
  3. to invent, attempt


Present tense

Imperfect tense

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • ἐπεὶ μέγα μήδεται ἔργον, φθῖσαι φῦλ ἀμενηνὰ χαμαιγενέων ἀνθρώπων, σπέρμ ὑπὸ γῆς κρύπτουσα, καταφθινύθουσα δὲ τιμὰς ἀθανάτων: (Anonymous, Homeric Hymns, 37:2)
  • καὶ σύ, κασίγνητε χρυσόρραπι, μή με κέλευε θέσφατα πιφαύσκειν, ὅσα μήδεται εὐρύοπα Ζεύς. (Anonymous, Homeric Hymns, 55:10)
  • θεὸς ἐπίτροπος ἐὼν τεαῖσι μήδεται ἔχων τοῦτο κᾶδος, Ιἕρων, μερίμναισιν: (Pindar, Odes, olympian odes, olympian 1 28:1)
  • ἰὼ πόποι, τί ποτε μήδεται· (Aeschylus, Agamemnon, choral, strophe 41)
  • τί τόδε νέον ἄχος μέγα μέγ ἐν δόμοισι τοῖσδε μήδεται κακὸν ἄφερτον φίλοισιν, δυσίατον· (Aeschylus, Agamemnon, choral, strophe 42)


  1. to be minded

  2. to plan

  3. to invent


Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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