- Greek-English Dictionary

Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


ε-contract Verb; Transliteration: epinēneō

Principal Part: ἐπινηνέω

Structure: ἐπινηνέ (Stem) + ω (Ending)

Etym.: only in imperf.


  1. to heap or pile upon


Present tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἐπινηνῶ ἐπινηνεῖς ἐπινηνεῖ
Dual ἐπινηνεῖτον ἐπινηνεῖτον
Plural ἐπινηνοῦμεν ἐπινηνεῖτε ἐπινηνοῦσι(ν)
SubjunctiveSingular ἐπινηνῶ ἐπινηνῇς ἐπινηνῇ
Dual ἐπινηνῆτον ἐπινηνῆτον
Plural ἐπινηνῶμεν ἐπινηνῆτε ἐπινηνῶσι(ν)
OptativeSingular ἐπινηνοῖμι ἐπινηνοῖς ἐπινηνοῖ
Dual ἐπινηνοῖτον ἐπινηνοίτην
Plural ἐπινηνοῖμεν ἐπινηνοῖτε ἐπινηνοῖεν
ImperativeSingular ἐπινήνει ἐπινηνείτω
Dual ἐπινηνεῖτον ἐπινηνείτων
Plural ἐπινηνεῖτε ἐπινηνούντων, ἐπινηνείτωσαν
Infinitive ἐπινηνεῖν
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἐπινηνων ἐπινηνουντος ἐπινηνουσα ἐπινηνουσης ἐπινηνουν ἐπινηνουντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἐπινηνοῦμαι ἐπινηνεῖ, ἐπινηνῇ ἐπινηνεῖται
Dual ἐπινηνεῖσθον ἐπινηνεῖσθον
Plural ἐπινηνούμεθα ἐπινηνεῖσθε ἐπινηνοῦνται
SubjunctiveSingular ἐπινηνῶμαι ἐπινηνῇ ἐπινηνῆται
Dual ἐπινηνῆσθον ἐπινηνῆσθον
Plural ἐπινηνώμεθα ἐπινηνῆσθε ἐπινηνῶνται
OptativeSingular ἐπινηνοίμην ἐπινηνοῖο ἐπινηνοῖτο
Dual ἐπινηνοῖσθον ἐπινηνοίσθην
Plural ἐπινηνοίμεθα ἐπινηνοῖσθε ἐπινηνοῖντο
ImperativeSingular ἐπινηνοῦ ἐπινηνείσθω
Dual ἐπινηνεῖσθον ἐπινηνείσθων
Plural ἐπινηνεῖσθε ἐπινηνείσθων, ἐπινηνείσθωσαν
Infinitive ἐπινηνεῖσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἐπινηνουμενος ἐπινηνουμενου ἐπινηνουμενη ἐπινηνουμενης ἐπινηνουμενον ἐπινηνουμενου

Imperfect tense

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  1. to heap or pile upon

Similar forms

Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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