- Greek-English Dictionary

Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


ο-contract Verb; 자동번역 Transliteration: alaoō

Principal Part: ἀλαόω

Structure: ἀλαό (Stem) + ω (Ending)

Etym.: ἀλαός


  1. to blind, of


Present tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἀλάω ἀλάοις ἀλάοι
Dual ἀλάουτον ἀλάουτον
Plural ἀλάουμεν ἀλάουτε ἀλάουσι(ν)
SubjunctiveSingular ἀλάω ἀλάοις ἀλάοι
Dual ἀλάωτον ἀλάωτον
Plural ἀλάωμεν ἀλάωτε ἀλάωσι(ν)
OptativeSingular ἀλάοιμι ἀλάοις ἀλάοι
Dual ἀλάοιτον ἀλαοίτην
Plural ἀλάοιμεν ἀλάοιτε ἀλάοιεν
ImperativeSingular ἀλᾶου ἀλαοῦτω
Dual ἀλάουτον ἀλαοῦτων
Plural ἀλάουτε ἀλαοῦντων, ἀλαοῦτωσαν
Infinitive ἀλάουν
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἀλαων ἀλαουντος ἀλαουσα ἀλαουσης ἀλαουν ἀλαουντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἀλάουμαι ἀλάοι ἀλάουται
Dual ἀλάουσθον ἀλάουσθον
Plural ἀλαοῦμεθα ἀλάουσθε ἀλάουνται
SubjunctiveSingular ἀλάωμαι ἀλάοι ἀλάωται
Dual ἀλάωσθον ἀλάωσθον
Plural ἀλαώμεθα ἀλάωσθε ἀλάωνται
OptativeSingular ἀλαοίμην ἀλάοιο ἀλάοιτο
Dual ἀλάοισθον ἀλαοίσθην
Plural ἀλαοίμεθα ἀλάοισθε ἀλάοιντο
ImperativeSingular ἀλάου ἀλαοῦσθω
Dual ἀλάουσθον ἀλαοῦσθων
Plural ἀλάουσθε ἀλαοῦσθων, ἀλαοῦσθωσαν
Infinitive ἀλάουσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἀλαουμενος ἀλαουμενου ἀλαουμενη ἀλαουμενης ἀλαουμενον ἀλαουμενου

Imperfect tense

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  1. to blind


Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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