Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Third declension Noun; Masculine Transliteration:

Principal Part: Χάλυψ Χάλυβος

Structure: Χαλυβ (Stem) + ς (Ending)


  1. Any individual among the Chalybes


Third declension

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • ὁ δὲ εἶπεν ὅτι Τιρίβαζοσ εἰή ἔχων τήν τε ἑαυτοῦ δύναμιν καὶ μισθοφόρουσ Χάλυβασ καὶ Ταόχουσ· (Xenophon, Anabasis, , chapter 4 21:1)
  • τὴν δὲ πλησίον χώραν ἔφη εἶναι Χάλυβασ, καὶ τὴν ὁδὸν ἔφραζεν ᾗ εἰή. (Xenophon, Anabasis, , chapter 5 35:5)
  • διὰ ταύτησ τῆσ χώρασ οἱ Ἕλληνεσ, διά τε τῆσ πολεμίασ καὶ τῆσ φιλίασ, ἐπορεύθησαν ὀκτὼ σταθμούσ, καὶ ἀφικνοῦνται εἰσ Χάλυβασ. (Xenophon, Anabasis, , chapter 5 2:1)
  • οὐ γὰρ νῦν μὲν δυνατὸν γέγονεν ἐκ Χαλύβων Χαλδαίουσ λεχθῆναι, πρότερον δ’ οὐκ ἐνῆν ἀντὶ Ἀλύβων Χάλυβασ, καὶ ταῦτα τῶν ὀνομάτων μεταπτώσεισ πολλὰσ δεχομένων καὶ μάλιστα ἐν τοῖσ βαρβάροισ· (Strabo, Geography, Book 12, chapter 3 38:3)
  • ὑπονοεῖ δὲ καὶ ὁ Σκήψιοσ τὴν τοῦ ὀνόματοσ μετάπτωσιν ἐξ Ἀλύβων εἰσ Χάλυβασ, τὰ δ’ ἑξῆσ καὶ τὰ συνῳδὰ οὐ νοῶν, καὶ μάλιστα ἐκ τίνοσ Ἁλιζώνουσ εἴρηκε τοὺσ Χάλυβασ, ἀποδοκιμάζει τὴν δόξαν· (Strabo, Geography, Book 12, chapter 3 38:9)


  1. Any individual among the Chalybes

Source: Ancient Greek entries from Wiktionary

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