Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


Third declension Noun; Feminine 자동번역 Transliteration:

Principal Part: χαλκηδών χαλκηδόνος

Structure: χαλκηδων (Stem)

Etym.: (어원이 불명확함.)


  1. chalcedony


Third declension

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  • πατρὶσ Χαλκηδών· (Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists, Book 10, book 10, chapter 813)
  • Τοὔνομα θῆτα ῥῶ ἄλφα σὰν ὖ μῦ ἄλφα χὶ οὒ σάν, πατρὶσ Χαλκηδών, ἡ δὲ τέχνη σοφίη. (Unknown, Elegy and Iambus, Volume II, , mixed meters139)
  • ταύτησ δ’ ἐπὶ μὲν τῷ στόματι τοῦ Πόντου Χαλκηδὼν ἵδρυται, Μεγαρέων κτίσμα, καὶ κώμη Χρυσόπολισ καὶ τὸ ἱερὸν τὸ Χαλκηδόνιον, ἔχει δ’ ἡ χώρα μικρὸν ὑπὲρ τῆσ θαλάττησ κρήνην Ἀζαριτίαν, τρέφουσαν κροκοδείλουσ μικρούσ· (Strabo, Geography, Book 12, chapter 4 2:1)

Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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