Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


α-contract Verb; Transliteration:

Principal Part: κολῳάω

Structure: κολῳά (Stem) + ω (Ending)

Etym.: kolw|o/s


  1. to brawl, scold


Present tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular κολῳῶ κολῳᾷς κολῳᾷ
Dual κολῳᾶτον κολῳᾶτον
Plural κολῳῶμεν κολῳᾶτε κολῳῶσιν*
SubjunctiveSingular κολῳῶ κολῳῇς κολῳῇ
Dual κολῳῆτον κολῳῆτον
Plural κολῳῶμεν κολῳῆτε κολῳῶσιν*
OptativeSingular κολῳῷμι κολῳῷς κολῳῷ
Dual κολῳῷτον κολῳῴτην
Plural κολῳῷμεν κολῳῷτε κολῳῷεν
ImperativeSingular κολῴᾱ κολῳᾱ́τω
Dual κολῳᾶτον κολῳᾱ́των
Plural κολῳᾶτε κολῳώντων, κολῳᾱ́τωσαν
Infinitive κολῳᾶν
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
κολῳων κολῳωντος κολῳωσα κολῳωσης κολῳων κολῳωντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular κολῳῶμαι κολῳᾷ κολῳᾶται
Dual κολῳᾶσθον κολῳᾶσθον
Plural κολῳώμεθα κολῳᾶσθε κολῳῶνται
SubjunctiveSingular κολῳῶμαι κολῳῇ κολῳῆται
Dual κολῳῆσθον κολῳῆσθον
Plural κολῳώμεθα κολῳῆσθε κολῳῶνται
OptativeSingular κολῳῴμην κολῳῷο κολῳῷτο
Dual κολῳῷσθον κολῳῴσθην
Plural κολῳῴμεθα κολῳῷσθε κολῳῷντο
ImperativeSingular κολῳῶ κολῳᾱ́σθω
Dual κολῳᾶσθον κολῳᾱ́σθων
Plural κολῳᾶσθε κολῳᾱ́σθων, κολῳᾱ́σθωσαν
Infinitive κολῳᾶσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
κολῳωμενος κολῳωμενου κολῳωμενη κολῳωμενης κολῳωμενον κολῳωμενου

Imperfect tense

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  1. to brawl

Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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