- Greek-English Dictionary

Ancient Greek-English Dictionary Language


-νυμι athematic Verb; Transliteration: epipēgnymi

Principal Part: ἐπιπήγνυμι ἐπιπήξω

Structure: ἐπιπήγνυ (Stem) + μι (Ending)


  1. to freeze at top


Present tense

1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἐπιπήγνυμι ἐπίπηγνυς ἐπιπήγνυσι(ν)
Dual ἐπιπήγνυτον ἐπιπήγνυτον
Plural ἐπιπήγνυμεν ἐπιπήγνυτε ἐπιπηγνύασι(ν)
SubjunctiveSingular ἐπιπηγνύω ἐπιπηγνύῃς ἐπιπηγνύῃ
Dual ἐπιπηγνύητον ἐπιπηγνύητον
Plural ἐπιπηγνύωμεν ἐπιπηγνύητε ἐπιπηγνύωσι(ν)
OptativeSingular ἐπιπηγνύοιμι ἐπιπηγνύοις ἐπιπηγνύοι
Dual ἐπιπηγνύοιτον ἐπιπηγνυοίτην
Plural ἐπιπηγνύοιμεν ἐπιπηγνύοιτε ἐπιπηγνύοιεν
ImperativeSingular ἐπίπηγνυ ἐπιπηγνύτω
Dual ἐπιπήγνυτον ἐπιπηγνύτων
Plural ἐπιπήγνυτε ἐπιπηγνύντων
Infinitive ἐπιπηγνύναι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἐπιπηγνυς ἐπιπηγνυντος ἐπιπηγνυσα ἐπιπηγνυσης ἐπιπηγνυν ἐπιπηγνυντος
1st person2nd person3rd person
IndicativeSingular ἐπιπήγνυμαι ἐπιπήγνυσαι ἐπιπήγνυται
Dual ἐπιπήγνυσθον ἐπιπήγνυσθον
Plural ἐπιπηγνύμεθα ἐπιπήγνυσθε ἐπιπήγνυνται
SubjunctiveSingular ἐπιπηγνύωμαι ἐπιπηγνύῃ ἐπιπηγνύηται
Dual ἐπιπηγνύησθον ἐπιπηγνύησθον
Plural ἐπιπηγνυώμεθα ἐπιπηγνύησθε ἐπιπηγνύωνται
OptativeSingular ἐπιπηγνυοίμην ἐπιπηγνύοιο ἐπιπηγνύοιτο
Dual ἐπιπηγνύοισθον ἐπιπηγνυοίσθην
Plural ἐπιπηγνυοίμεθα ἐπιπηγνύοισθε ἐπιπηγνύοιντο
ImperativeSingular ἐπιπήγνυσο ἐπιπηγνύσθω
Dual ἐπιπήγνυσθον ἐπιπηγνύσθων
Plural ἐπιπήγνυσθε ἐπιπηγνύσθων
Infinitive ἐπιπήγνυσθαι
Participle MasculineFeminineNeuter
ἐπιπηγνυμενος ἐπιπηγνυμενου ἐπιπηγνυμενη ἐπιπηγνυμενης ἐπιπηγνυμενον ἐπιπηγνυμενου

Future tense

Imperfect tense

The inflection forms above were generated by rules and some usages of them were not attested.

Due to a bug of system, some forms may display wrong accents.


  1. to freeze at top

Source: Henry George Liddell. Robert Scott. "A Greek-English Lexicon". revised and augmented throughout by. Sir Henry Stuart Jones.

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